
London-based Tai Chi Chuan tuition and complementary therapies


Hopefully this page will be added to on a regular basis, so please come back regularly to check out what's new. If you have any articles or links that you would like included, please contact me.


Four-part series written for the New Statesman:
Part 1 – Tai Chi Chuan: A Way of Life
Part 2 – Cultivating Positivity
Part 3 – Fighting Smart
Part 4 – Turning Obstructions into Advantages

Tuesday's Over-50s class filmed as part of feature on ageing for the BBC:

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Laojia Yi Lu form
(kindly filmed by Nina Pope)

First 5 moves of Laojia Yi Lu with commentary
(kindly filmed by Tony Swash)

Yang 24 form with commentary
(kindly filmed by Tony Swash)



Youtube videos of Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei:
18-movement Chen-style form

The first half of Laojia Yi Lui
(Old frame, first form)

The second half of Laojia Yi Lui
(Old frame, first form)

Laojia Er Lui, or Paochui
(Old frame, second form, or Cannon Fist)

Other useful links:
My teacher, Master Wang Hai-Jun's website, with articles, seminar details and dvds:

Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei's website (in Chinese, English site available as a link):

Master Fu Nengbin's website:

Site where you can purchase Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei's book on the 18-form, Tai Chi for Health:

Preparing for Home Birth – advice for expectant mothers
Open .pdf file

Healthy Kids – advice on preventing and managing ill-health in children
Open .pdf file